Tuesday 15 May 2012


Today, I have been experimenting for my first ever time on Photoshop! It was quite a stressful day for me as the Mac laptops batteries had a tendancy to die, so it meant everyone swopping laptops every couple of hours! I was really proud of myself at the end of the afternoon as I had learnt a few techniques from listening to Mary's help. I used things like the blending brush to blend all the colours together so it looked realistic in the space. I used the lighting enhancer, to cast shadows on my structure. I also learnt how to cover parts of the photgraph up if you don't want it in your final outcome. On the left hand side of the photgraph, it started off with messy tool kits, radiators and windows with glaring lights shining through, which looked ugly when I placed my structure onto the wall, so I added in another white wall and moved the light forward to make it look realistic. I also duplicated my image as I stated in an earlier post i wanted it on a huge scale, which photoshop enabled me to do this. I played around with the scale and the amount of structures i attached onto the wall until i was 100% happy with my visualisation.
I really enjoyed experimenting with different tools on Photoshop and I feel I utilised my time spent creating effective outcomes.

Here's my final outcome:

Has everybody else got their visualistaions sorted? It would be really interesting to see everybody's work!


  1. This looks really good ! So jealous you've finished it, I dont think ill be leaving my laptop its so hard just fiddling with everything trying to make it all look in perspective. When I'm done i'll post mine I agree it will be good to see each others.. also does anyone know how to save a photoshop file as a jpeg? My file and save won't work so I have to save by closing the document and it doesnt give you the option then :/

  2. Doesnt matter I've figured it out, my file sizes/images were just to big that was all.
