Wednesday 16 May 2012

My first glass prints (Josie Cawdry)

All the work i have done previously has been leading up to this experiment. With an image selected and the glass panel at the ready i was ready to see if my ideas would come to life.

I wasnt exactly sure how i would manage to get a print onto glass, i used my method of printing onto plastic wallets, whilst the ink was still wet i placed it onto the plain sheet of glass. Applying a small amount of pressure i patted the surface to ensure the whole of the ink had been transferred. The image turned out really well, but unfortunately i had used the wrong sortd of colours and my image seemed to disappear. 

(Image edited before print)

With a bit of white paper backing the glass you can get to see the true beauty of the piece. Imagine this created on a huge scale, with the right print materials and fixatives and you can picture how great this would look as a windowpane in the new build. Pride of place within the lanterns.

I especially like the fact you can see when my plastic print has had contact with the glass pane. The air bubbles add a light airyness to the image that i really like. Even though this wasnt meant to happen i am pleased with the outcome and will use this stage as a tool to further progress my future prints!

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