Wednesday 9 May 2012

Daniel Rozin (Josie Cawdry)

"Daniel Rozin is an artist, educator and developer, working in the area of interactive digital art. As an interactive artist Rozin creates installations and sculptures that have the unique ability to change and respond to the presence and point of view of the viewer. In many cases the viewer becomes the contents of the piece and in others the viewer is invited to take an active role in the creation of the piece. Even though computers are often used in Rozin's work, they are seldom visible" (taken from website)

Whilst researching this artist i saw one piece that instantly drew my attention. Creatively named 'peg mirror' it is an installation that changes its appearance according to the view in front of it. So for instance when you walk in front of the work, it changes, to mirror you and the movements you are creating!

I think this is a great piece of interactive art, capturing a different element of change. Change controlled by the viewer, something which we are the heart of! The way in which the work in created is something which really excites me, Rozin must have had a lot of technical difficulties creating this piece yet still the end result is a triumph! 

Definitely gives me food for though, how about you?

1 comment:

  1. Ahh i have this artist on my blog! he is amazing, i think the work is slightly surreal and creepy though!!
