Saturday 5 May 2012


At weekly tutorial with our new living it tutor Mary Stark, we discussed the aspects of my project that I should take further and different ways to push myself.
Positive Outcomes-
Both Mary and my living it group gave positive feedback about my project so far, especially my samples. Although whilst looking at my tailor tacking samples we realised that the reverse also portrays elements of my earlier work, and how it could be interesting to go back into the embroidery workshop to experiment using different bobbin colours. What else could I do?

Another element we discussed was that the paper samples I had been working on were a lot stronger, and more striking than some of the stitch samples. This made me start thinking how I develop them, by using digital print onto fabric. This is something I have always wanted to experiment with and now it is appropriate for me to do so. Mary gave me tips on how to go about doing this, as I would need her help as it is a technique that is slightly alien to me.
· Produce more paper samples
· Develop a sample to print onto fabric
· Look into the back of tailor tacking
· Start to bring work together and post more on my blog
· Look into some digital artists

Potential Print?

I need to look into the cost and things I need to do in photoshop to allow me to get printing.
If anyone has any artists or usefull things I could research I would really appriciate it!!

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