Wednesday 16 May 2012

Natural materials (Josie Cawdry)

The idea of using rolls to create a final piece was something that really interested me. Whilst in the studio one day i came across some scraps of wooden poles on the floor, after establishing that they were free to use i took them home and began to play around with ideas.

Using my glass panels i overlaid them in different ways to create different effects.
I wanted to see how my concept would work using natural materials instead of artificial ones.

The piece is very similar to bamboo, the colours are very similar to the colours i began to look at at the very beginning of this project. I like how i have some how managed to interlink all my work without really realizing! This is something very new to me!

Changing the angle of the camera is a very quick and easy way of changing the way the object is viewed. It alters the light source and cast different shadows on the surrounding surface.

I especially like the small patterns that appear on the inside of the wood. Like the rust i was looking at previously, it is the hidden marks that really excite me.

I would like to explore different ways in which this material can be used, maybe to create a photoshop pattern or even a tool to be used for mark making.
Who knows?

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