Tuesday, 1 May 2012


Hey Guys,
Hope all you essays are going ok and your still managing to get some practical work done. I’ve come to abit of a standstill with my practical work, I feel like I need to get my essay done so I can stop worrying about it. But I’m so excited to get it finished so I can go back to making samples, I want to get into the embroidery workshop this week and get some work done so hopefully my essay will get done soon.  I was just posting to give you some info on our deadlines and the essay as I was getting a little confused. I don’t know if anyone else was feeling the same but I thought it would be sensible to tell you what Kate said to me today:
“The C.V. and Blogging Task submission deadline is the 8th May (you have already done blogging task in Jan).
This forms part of your contextualising practice unit not unit X - I met with all 'Living it' students last Monday to talk about this, please let me know why you did not attend as I think this has led to your confusion.

Please look at the pink blob notice board on unit X on a regular basis. There will be another message posted
about the submission of the CV and blogging task and how to submit it tonight.

Unit X Submission
Submission Deadline - Blog summary:
At the end of Week 8 (18th May) you will submit the self-evaluation and assessment form to the Coursework Receipting Office at the student SIP in Geoffrey Manton Building. On this form is a space for you to include a link to your individual blog.

For the assessment we will look at the work you have produced for the 'final outcome' as well as the work on the individual blog which should include a record of key points in the making and development of your work. The group blog will be assessed by your contribution to it.
There will be assessment and submission guidelines on the Unit X page shortly.

Regarding display of your work, you need to be attending your 'Living it' group tutorials every Thursday. Please attend tomorrow. The outcome of 'Living it' is a digital proposal - the proposal can be made from 'real' stuff that is photographed and put into a digital format.
Talk to your tutor and group about this tomorrow.

Hope that clears up any confusion.”

It made me feel abit better as I was really confused about what I was supposed to be doing and when. Hope this helps if you were stuck too!!!


  1. That's really helped make everything clear about deadlines and I was at the session on Monday! This is put alot simpler than explained then, thanksss :)
