Sunday 29 April 2012

Would this idea work for you????

As I said previously in another post I wanted to take my coloured plastic and cellophane experiment further and after looking at Laura Buckley's work, I thought that making that experiment 3-d would give it an extra something... From Laura Buckley's work I wanted to use the reflections and light aspect she used and apply it to mine. This experiment took a fair bit of time to do but I think the results definately made it worth it. I tried a variety of combinations and layouts to see how they would react with the light and to see what kind of shadows they would create.
Layout 1: This layout was a repeated layout as I have previously done in my 1st experiment, I like how powerful the structure is, it's just straight, strong and simple. I like how the light shines through however I did expect the different colours of the transparent foil to come through but it didn't, I think this was due to the images being taken in the dark, the light came through but it was too dark to see the different coloured foils which is a shame.

Layout 2: Now this layout holds the same qualities as the first, it stands simple and strong. This layout however can clearly show the different colour transparent foils however without taking the images in the dark I lose the quality of shadowing and highlighting from certain areas, putting this layout in a dark area of the new building might help the colour, shadows and highlighting stand out more.

Layout 3: This layout was about exploring each individual cube and then them all coming together to make an installation. The same downfall applies, the images being taken in the dark takes away the colours of the transparent foils, creating these cubes was about making colour expand and reflect in more ways than my very first experiment. These don't reflect the true properties of this experiment, maybe adding mirrors would??
I did the same layout but with the lights on and with the electronic lights inside them, even though the foils are noticed, I still feel there's something missing from this layout. The cubes are to freely layed out, there's no thought to it, maybe this is a positive, being random and playful. Could maybe get the public involved they could move the lighting to what suits them??

Layout 4: This layout is just about finding an area in the new building that would show off the reflections that this piece could make! As shown in the images from any angle this piece creates shadows and reflections and highlights the colour in a pleasing way.
This final image below shows the size of the cubes, there quite small, whether they would work on a larger scale I'm not sure. If they were larger the reflections would become bigger but the cubes themselves would hold lesser detail. I like the idea of this experiment being created into a long, large, strong lamp shade that is placed in a library or some study area in the new building that can be twistable and moveable to a persons mood. For example if it's a rainy day outside a student could turn the cubes to a coourful and bright yellow or if they just want to study and be left alone a blue, it is entirely up to them. Doing this gets the students involved in not just the piece but the building itself. Would this idea work??

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