Wednesday 25 April 2012

Our First Group Meeting 12th March - Charlotte Yates

Sorry everyone I completely forgot to write this up hence why its being posted at such a late date! I thought it's better late than never though but also this way we will be able to see if we are doing what we set out to in terms of team work.

Basically we had a discussion briefly of what each of us wants to do in terms of workshops and 'themes' for the Old School, New School brief quickly moving onto how we can best help and support each other throughout Unit X.

Here's what we came up with..
  •  Allocating a different person to write up each lecture/talk/exhibition, this way we won't all be repeating the same information yet any one who missed out will have the opportunity to catch up.
  • A weekly meeting outside of tutorial/class time where we can share our work and ideas but more importantly help each other.
  • Set up a facebook group along side the blog and swap numbers/bb pins so we can all get in touch with one another and support each other with more technical things such as 'working the blog!'
  • Finally, pay attention to others blog posts (they have all been put on for a reason and may inspire us or introduce us to something new!) also contribute by commenting as well as posting.
Personally looking at the blog 4 weeks later I think were pretty much on track with everything we planned to do and know each one of these points we made a priority has been a huge benefit to all of us!

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