Tuesday 24 April 2012

Looking at transition (Josie Cawdry)

Taking the idea of transition i am going to look at how spaces change over time, i am particularly interested in looking at alleyways, doorways, pavements etc. I am going to try and tie this is with the old school/new school task.
 Looking at how places change is very similar to how the school of art has changed over the past 50 years. I am excited to work in conjunction with John from the slide library to research the history of the school. I am currently in the process of awaiting my slides to be emailed to me from john. 
Here is a selection of images i have taken around manchester and also some i found courtesy of the mmu slide collection flickr site.


  1. Nice Photos! Thats one thing I'm finding difficult with my project as Ive based it on Greece... If anyone has any interestin holiday snaps they wouldnt minde donating I would be super greatful!

  2. hello!! Dont forget that the visual resources department are putting all the slides up on a flickr site http://www.flickr.com/photos/mmuvisualresources/page8/ ... there might be some good images on there! I hope so anyway!
